Shiitakes from our forest to you!
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Shiitake Mushrooms

Living Cultures Farm

1 Pint = $5.00 + $1.00 Assembly
1 Quart = $10.00 + $1.00 Assembly
3 Quarts = $25.00 + $3.00 Assembly
5 Pounds = $50.00 + $3.00 Assembly
10 Pounds = $80.00 + $3.00 Assembly

Grown on hardwood logs and cultivated in the forest. We run three types of Shiitake Spawn. We have wide range, warm weather and cold weather. The cold weather logs are only naturally fruited which mean they don't really move and fruit whenever the conditions are correct, usually in the spring and fall seasons. The wide range and the warm weather are what we call force fruited. This mean we cool them down and deprive the logs of oxygen which makes Shiitake think it needs to spread. We do this by submerging all the logs in cool water for up to 48hrs. Within 2 weeks usually less we will get a flush of mushrooms.

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